Embracing the Thrill and Anticipation of 2025
As we step into 2025, a wave of exhilaration and apprehension sweeps over us. The possibilities are as vast as our imaginations, igniting our hopes and fears alike. What innovations await? What challenges will we face? In this pivotal year, we find ourselves at the crossroads of fear and excitement, ready to navigate the uncharted waters of the future. Let Kirsti Out Wandering inspire your journey forward.
Fear And Excitement
Fear and excitement can often create similar physical sensations in our bodies, which can be confusing.
When confronted with new challenges and opportunities, it’s easy to mistake excitement for fear. Many of us have been conditioned over time to shy away from the thrill of new experiences, leading us to avoid them instead of finding the courage to embrace them. It’s also beneficial to recognize that these feelings are a natural part of growth.
What Are You Afraid Of?
Feeling afraid is a perfectly natural reaction, and it takes practice to become comfortable with stepping into new adventures. Many people mistakenly believe that those who are brave are inherently free from fear. In reality, they are simply more skilled at facing uncertainty head-on, which makes it seem much easier than it truly is.
To navigate fear-based feelings more compassionately, we must take a moment to explore our emotions. Those familiar sensations—like butterflies in our stomachs, sweaty palms, or a racing heart—are often a sign of excitement, curiosity, passion, or even love rather than fear.
It’s common to feel unease when faced with circumstances that push us beyond our comfort zones. And, of course, fear-based emotions are also trying to protect us, but depending on our conditioning, they sometimes can also get in the way.
Fear is a constant companion along my way, whether I’m agreeing to present at a meeting, stepping into an unfamiliar social gathering, trying a new yoga class, or even altering my route to dodge heavy traffic.
Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway
Have you ever heard the phrase, “feel the fear and do it anyway?” If I were to let fear steer my choices and allow the “what-ifs” to overshadow my decisions, I could easily transform potentially wonderful moments into sources of discomfort.
However, I’ve come to recognize that these feelings often stem from my subconscious trying to protect me, and I’ve made the conscious choice to move forward anyway. By embracing fear as a natural part of being human, I find it empowering to take steps into new experiences.
When we learn to frame fear-based emotions a little differently, we dramatically shift our mental state from one of uneasiness and resistance to one of openness and play.
I’ve learned to put this new perspective into practice by saying aloud the more optimistic version of what is making me uneasy.
- I am really excited about going to this new yoga class because who knows what fun surprises I may encounter.
- I am excited to go to this party because I might meet a new friend.
- I am really looking forward to presenting at this meeting because I may learn something new about myself from the experience.
- I am excited to try this new way to get to work because I might discover a new restaurant to try or a new place to explore this weekend.
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The point of all of this is not to let fear deter us from pursuing experiences that challenge us but to allow us to learn, grow and have fun. Embracing these uncomfortable moments, even when they feel frightening, can lead to incredible discoveries about ourselves and the world around us.
It's Time To Go
As we journey along the way, shifting our mindset will help us transform feelings of fear and dread—emotions that often hold us back—into excitement, joy, and wonder that inspire us. This new perspective can be harnessed to propel us forward, fostering growth and exploration.
Taking the brave step to travel solo to a new destination, embracing the excitement of starting a new job, diving into the adventure of relocating to a new city, or nurturing the hope that comes with a new relationship—all of these experiences strengthen your self-trust. It’s perfectly normal to feel a bit nervous about these actions, but with every small move you make, you’re showing yourself just how resilient and capable you really are.
When feelings of fear begin to surface throughout the day, pause and remind yourself that they could actually be excitement in disguise. It’s important to recognize that this opportunity has come your way for a reason, and it’s meant for you to embrace.
Every new day brings with it a chance to maximize your time and fulfill your potential. This is the time to concentrate on your goals and figure out what you can do to achieve your objectives.
Even taking small steps, with perseverance, we eventually achieve great things. Are you ready to step out and reach your dreams? Let’s get started.
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Hi! I’m Kirsti, and for my whole life, I’ve been curious to know more.
From the perspective of a curious wanderer, then, I value what’s possible over the easily observable. For me, a destination is less of a place to be and more of a new way of seeing the world.
Exploring the world with an open mind and heart has led me to some of the most incredible adventures one can imagine. I hope you will wander along.
Follow along! Kirsti Out Wandering aspires to illustrate well-being in mind, body & spirit, giving unconditional love to self and others, and pursuing all of the wild possibilities life serves up while living full-time from a sprinter van.
She offers weekly inspiration and a monthly roundup filled with stories and tips on travel, exploring, van living, self-care, photography and being human.