
Kirsti Out Wandering

Harnessing Full Moon Power

In some way or another, everyone has been fascinated by the Moon.

As it rises to usher in the night, the lunar path controls the tides and is believed to influence our energy. It represents strength, dynamic feminine energy, wisdom, illusion, intuition and spiritual connection.

The Moon’s cycle represents birth, death, and reincarnation, just as a seed grows into a flower, blooms, and dies only to be reborn in the spring.

Harnessing Full Moon Power

Go slowly, lovely Moon.

We are all capable of being in tune with the Moon’s energies and bringing forth our inner power. To begin this journey, we need to learn about the Moon and harness the power of her energies.

Through moon-cycle knowledge, we can look inward to find what we need. Each lunar state represents a different spiritual path that repeats multiple times and is continuous.

There is a unique shape to every Moon cycle, and each cycle carries a spiritual meaning that can help us cope with ever-changing energies.

Let’s learn about the full Moon phases and how we can harness its power for spiritual growth.

Full Moon

In this phase, we release and seal our intentions. When the Moon is complete, it is the perfect time to set goals and make promises to yourself on a soul level.

Dreams tend to be more vivid during the Full Moon when spiritual realms seem more accessible. There is heightened energy with elevated emotions and increased psychic abilities during this time. And, when the full Moon arrives, it’s the perfect time to clarify your intentions releasing what no longer is serving you.

The time is right to use ritual, visualization, and meditation to get guidance and intuition about realigning your true path and achieving your life’s highest potential.

To keep yourself aligned with the highest and best possibilities for your life, stay focused on being grateful for the many blessings you are beginning to see within and around you.

Before You Go

With each full Moon, take time on your journey to face inward to develop any areas of spiritual growth. 

This is a great time to set these intentions and release any setbacks, negative feelings, blames, and guilt you have placed on yourself.

The Wolf Moon is the first Full Moon of 2022 that can be observed on January 17th.

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Kirsti Out Wandering aspires to illustrate well-being in mind, body & spirit, giving unconditional love to self and others, and pursuing all of the wild possibilities life serves up while living full-time from a sprinter van. 

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