How Flowing Like Water Is The Secret To Living Life Happier
Hey there! I’m excited to share with you a fantastic analogy that can transform the way you look at life.
Imagine water flowing effortlessly, making its way through any obstacle while retaining its natural essence. This is the exact same way we could lead our lives in order to achieve a flow state of being.
Being in flow is a state of mind where we’re fully absorbed in the present moment, feeling in control and completely immersed in the task at hand.
Sounds interesting, right? Let’s dive deeper into the concept and learn how we can go with the flow of life to achieve this state of mind!

Flowing Waters
Water’s journey on Earth is a metaphor for our own life journey. We are born into this world with a distinct identity, gifts and struggles. Water has its own start by falling from the sky or melting from ice.
Life is full of twists, turns, and obstacles. Still, we can learn essential lessons from water about how to live with grace, ease, determination, and humility. Like a river flowing over a waterfall, we, too, can gain energy and move forward during tough times.
Water is a metaphor for life.
Water teaches us to face our fears and let go of what’s holding us back without wasting time clinging to the past.
Water is brave. It never clings to the past but flows forward with conviction. When there’s an empty space to fill, water doesn’t run away from it in fear but quickly fills it with grace and purpose.
Water teaches us to move forward without fear.
Ultimately, like a river emptying into the sea, water reminds us to join with something bigger without fear of losing our identity or control. We, too, can gracefully contribute our energy and merge with the vastness without resistance.
Water teaches us to flow onward without looking back, face our fears, and become a part of something greater than ourselves.

state of flow, present moment, flow of life, sense of control
Flow State
“Flow State” is a mental state that is characterized by complete immersion in a task and a sense of control. This state of mind is achieved by being fully present in the moment and going with the flow of life.
While in flow, we are able to focus our attention on the task at hand, free from distractions and interruptions. We experience a sense of ease and satisfaction as we navigate our way through the task, fully utilizing our skills and potential.
How can we be fully present, completely immersed?
This state of flow is not only enjoyable but can also lead to increased productivity, creativity, and a sense of well-being in everyday life.

meaningful life, happy people, happy life, own lives, quality of life, worth living, positive energy
Everyday Life
Almost everyone desires to live happily and with meaning. Surrounded by positive energy, feeling happiness and experiencing a good quality of life is something we all want.
To achieve this, it is essential to appreciate life and strive for joy in everything we do. Although this can be difficult when faced with challenging situations, it is crucial to keep pushing forward and never give up on seeking happiness. Remember that even the tiniest things in life can bring us great joy. By valuing these moments, we can lead a truly fulfilling life.
Almost everyone desires to live happily and with meaning.
As we consciously look for the good in our lives, we are training our minds to look for the good in every situation. This can be a powerful tool in cultivating a fulfilling life that is worth living.
When we shift our perspective to see the good, it can help us to feel happier, more fulfilled, and more connected to the world around us. By choosing to focus on the positive, we create a ripple effect of positivity that can benefit not only ourselves but also the people around us.
Try This:
It’s a known fact that humans can’t experience two emotions at the same time. For instance, if we want to feel positive emotions such as joy, freedom, love, or appreciation, we cannot simultaneously feel negative emotions like frustration, irritation, or impatience.
To experience more joy in life, it’s essential to practice recognizing negative emotions as soon as possible and correcting them.
This simple technique will help you experience more joy in life.
One simple technique involves using a positive word to repeat when you feel yourself moving toward negativity. For instance, repeating “Thank You” when you sense frustration or impatience creeping up on you helps bring you back to a state of appreciation.
With time and practice, you’ll learn to identify negative emotions more quickly and maintain positivity more easily.

happy thoughts, life energy, mindfulness practices, growth mindset, wonderful things
Gratitude Practices
Incorporating gratitude practices, such as expressing appreciation for the good things in life, can have a profound impact on one’s overall outlook. When we focus on the positives, we tend to experience a more positive and joyful existence.
Additionally, surrounding ourselves with happy thoughts and people who bring us joy further enhances our well-being. Engaging in mindfulness practices and nurturing a growth mindset can help us cultivate a sense of calm and personal growth. Through mindfulness, we focus on the present moment and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.
Gratitude practices can have a profound impact on our overall outlook.
When we embrace challenges, we view them as opportunities for learning and development. All of these practices, when combined with a focus on the beautiful things in life, lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying existence.
By recognizing and appreciating the good in our lives, we cultivate a positive and grateful attitude. By enhancing our overall well-being and happiness, we live in a state of flow.
Try This: Look Around
I am a firm believer in finding the positives in life. When you’re feeling low, try this exercise: look for all the good around you. This gratitude exercise involves a few simple steps:
First, take a deep breath and focus on your surroundings. Find something that catches your eye and say to yourself, “For this, I am grateful.” It could be something personal, like a handmade wooden stool from your child, or something majestic, like an eagle soaring in the sky.
Keep repeating this exercise until you feel a sense of gratitude and positivity flowing through you. This will help you reset your mindset and find joy in the present moment.

flow experience, new circumstances, social connections, living life, flow-like state, simple things, better outcomes
The Secret Sauce For True Happiness
Are you looking to unlock the secret to genuine happiness? Well, there are a few vital elements that you must add to your life’s recipe. Want to learn more about what they are? Let’s dive in and explore!
#1 SeekIng flow experiences that engage both our mind and spirit.
These are activities that we enjoy so much that we become fully immersed in them, losing track of time and place. Participating in activities we enjoy, such as painting, writing, or hiking, can help us discover true happiness.
Here’s what you need to know: “Do more of what sets your heart on fire.”
#2 Pursuing new and exciting circumstances that challenge us to grow and learn.
Whether it’s taking up an interesting hobby, learning a foreign language, or traveling to a new place, embracing new experiences can help us expand our horizons and discover new things about ourselves.
Here’s what you need to know: “Just do it.”
#3 Nurturing our social connections and building meaningful relationships with those around us is crucial.
Humans are social creatures, and we thrive when we have strong connections with others. Making these connections takes time and effort, but it is well worth it in the end. Social Media connections are a way to connect, too, but interacting with others in person is a much better way to build meaningful, lasting relationships.
Here’s what you need to know: “Be curious. Ask someone else about themselves.”
#4 Living life to the fullest and embracing every moment with gratitude and enthusiasm is crucial.
Aim for something great by making the most of every day and appreciating the things we have. Have you ever thought about how a simple change of perspective can drastically alter your life? Instead of focusing on the negative, why not choose to be grateful for all the positive aspects of your life? Trust me, it’s a game-changer!
Here’s what you need to know: “Gratitude is the BEST attitude.”
#5 Finding ways to achieve a flow-like state in our daily activities and appreciating the simple things in life can help us experience a deeper sense of fulfillment.
Whether it’s taking a walk in nature, listening to music, or spending time with loved ones, simple pleasures can help us discover true happiness.
Here’s what you need to know: “Joy doesn’t just happen. We have to choose it and keep choosing it every day.”
Imagine life after incorporating these elements into our daily routine. Not only can we experience improved outcomes, but we can also achieve a more profound sense of fulfillment.
Let’s make it happen!

How Flowing Like Water Is The Secret To Living Life Happier
Water is an incredible teacher who can show us how to navigate our world with grace, determination, and humility. Like a stream, we are born into this world with specific defining characteristics that govern our identity, and we move through life, encountering many twists, turns, and obstacles along the way.
The Good News
The good news is that we can learn to move through life with ease rather than becoming rigid in fear or clinging to what’s familiar. We can humbly and bravely face the dark moments of our lives and fill the empty spaces with the same energy that a river fills the holes it encounters.
And when we find something bigger than ourselves, we can join it without fear of losing our identity or control, just like water gracefully tumbles into the vastness of the sea.
There is a silver lining in everyday life.
As we near the collective sea, let’s strive to appreciate the exquisite details surrounding us and look for the bright side of every situation, regardless of how daunting it may appear at first glance.
Loosen your hold, relinquish your need for strict control, and allow yourself to glide effortlessly like a stream, adapting to the circumstances and making the most of every opportunity.
With practice, you will find joy.
Just like water, be brave and unyielding in the face of uncertainty. Change your emotions from negative to positive. And trust that your journey will take you exactly where you need to be.
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I am an influencer of optimism, positivity & love. My mantra is, “Be where my feet are,” nothing more, nothing less. It means living in the moment with curiosity, creativity, courage & compassion. You’ll find resources and stories primarily about subjects like travel, van living, exploring, yoga, and photography on these pages. By acting on my dreams and sharing my experiences, I hope you’ll be inspired to say YES, and live your happiest, best life. |
Follow along! Kirsti Out Wandering aspires to illustrate well-being in mind, body & spirit, giving unconditional love to self and others, and pursuing all of the wild possibilities life serves up while living full-time from a sprinter van.
She offers weekly inspiration and a monthly roundup filled with stories and tips on travel, exploring, van living, self-care, photography and being human.