
Kirsti Out Wandering

woman meditating, journaling

Learn How To Use The 33×3 Method For Manifestation

Learn How To Use The 33×3 Method For Manifestation

The 33x3 Manifestation Method is an effective tool for manifesting your goals and desires.

It is based on the basic premise that everything in the Universe has a vibrational frequency. It’s the Law of Attraction in that like attracts like.

Focusing on your desired outcome for three consecutive days can increase its vibrational frequency and bring whatever you want closer to you. Many people have used this process to manifest their dreams into reality.

Envision the future you desire. Create the life of your dreams. See it, feel it, believe it. – Jack Canfield

Why Is The 33x3 Method So Effective?

Around 2013, I found the documentary “The Secret” and was introduced to the Law of Attraction. Watching and rewatching that movie revealed many new learning experiences and good feelings about positive change.

I didn’t know it then, but as I started practicing visualization meditation, creating my first vision board and using positive affirmation – now I know major blocks were shifting in my life. Great things started happening to me – even a new job.

All these years later, I still feel in vibrational alignment and use present tense, positive statements to tune in to my subconscious mind and manifest things I want to have and experience.

Three specific elements are emphasized in the 33-3 Manifestation Method to take the law of attraction principle one step further:

  1. Visualization or picturing yourself achieving the goal
  2. Affirming and believing you will have it with positive statements 
  3. And feeling deep gratitude for what you have and what is coming.

We Are Always Manifesting

Whether you realize it or not, manifestation is always happening. It combines neuroscience and the metaphysical, and because we are all made of energy, we are constantly attracting what we are thinking about. Our brain will affirm our belief and bring the thought into reality.

It’s like when you want to buy something, like a new car. You dream about it, do your research, pick out the perfect make, model and color, and because you’ve told yourself this is what you want and it’s important, you start to see that particular car everywhere before you get it! 

Is This For You?

The 33×3 Manifestation Method is for anyone who needs to build belief in what they really want to manifest. Do you ever feel like you cannot make ends meet or lose weight, for example? 

If you subconsciously feel like you are constantly struggling, that will manifest into reality. You try everything; when your subconscious disagrees, that will be your result.

Our subconscious creates almost 100% of our reality. The 33×3 Method helps reprogram our subconscious mind to align energetically with our writing and thinking. The process goes faster by repeating your intent and seeing it written down.

The 33×3 manifestation power also aligns us with our desire’s energetic frequency. Our brains build new neuronal patterns as we practice this Method making this a powerful technique indeed.

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3 Steps of the 33x3 Method and How to Master Each of Them

Before you begin, get a manifestation journal. Essential for a couple of reasons – the first is that it gives you a place to write your desires; second, as the Universe manifests those desires, you can return to the journal and celebrate as they are realized!

Take this process further and create a vision board to support what you manifest.

First step: Affirm Your Goal With A Positive Affirmation

Make a positive affirmation in the PRESENT TIME, claiming that your desire has already been achieved!

Before you can start manifesting, you must get clear on what you want to attract! Is it a new career, weight loss, or travel somewhere exotic?

Make some time to clear your mind, pick a quiet spot, and take some time to relax and meditate. In that calm state, ask yourself, “At this point in my life, what do I want most?”

Take some time to let your mind wander. Pay attention to what’s coming up, feeling into which intention is the best vibrational match for manifesting right now. 

alive, positive, enthusiastic, words

Words Are Important

When you know what you want, it’s time to write the affirmation. 

When doing this, you want to focus on what you DO want instead of what you don’t want, which is what we usually do as human beings. 

You can attract the wrong things by using the following affirmation:

“Money isn’t something I want to struggle with.”

The affirmation may seem like a good phrase for increasing financial abundance, but its root is about struggling with money. 

What Comes About Is What You Think About

Words surrounding your desires don’t matter to the Universe. Your thoughts influence it, so you will manifest more money struggles if you are thinking most about money struggles. 

That affirmation could be rephrased in a few different ways to be effective:

  • My wealth is continuously increasing.
  • My life is abundant with money now and in the future.
  • There is always a lot of money coming to me.

It is essential to write your affirmation with more positive energy and in such a way that it already has happened.

Examples of Affirmation 

Examples of how an affirmation might look follow below. What’s essential to success is in the feeling and detail. Think of it as writing a screenplay. You would want your audience to be utterly emersed in what is happening – as if they were in the movie. 

Write your affirmation as if you are the main character, and the words describe what is happening to you now and are written in a way you believe.

Money affirmation: 

Money flows to me quickly and freely. I am enjoying abundance in all areas of my life! I have money for everything I want.

As you write this affirmation 33 times over the next 3 days, visualize what you are doing with your abundance. You may be taking a trip, paying off debt and even helping others by giving to your favorite charity. It has to resonate with your core values.

Weightloss affirmation:

I am so grateful to be wearing everything I like now that I am at my ideal weight. It feels so good to be active and eat in ways that support my excellent health.

As you write this affirmation 33 times over the next 3 days, visualize what you are doing now that you are healthier. Perhaps you are jogging, hiking in the mountains or teaching a fitness class at a five-star hotel on some exotic island. 

Whatever it is, make the dream full of positive feeling and delight.

note, mindset is everything

Second Step: Write Your Affirmation 33 times Each Day For 3 Days

The next step in the 33×3 Manifestation Method is to write your affirmation 33 times over three days – this is the fun part!

You may have noticed a theme here – the number 333. As a divine angel number, it’s a sign what you want most is on its way, that you are flowing with abundance and assurance you are on the right path. 

3+3+3 adds up to nine, and nine is a number that symbolizes completion and success. 

Get your journal, and write today’s date at the top of your page. 

Write As If. 

As you write your affirmation 33 times daily for 3 days, imagine it accomplished. Live it in your mind as if it’s happening now. 

You become more vibrationally aligned with your desire each time you write the affirmation. 

Create an accurate picture for your subconscious of your life when the affirmation comes to fruition. As you write and observe, feel the feelings associated with it. Get excited. These positive feelings are a sign that you’re on the right track. Visualization gives you a direct line to see and feel like it is happening now; this is what being in alignment means.

Now it’s time to let go.

(Yes, you must let go.)

woman, coffee, writing

Third Step: Have Faith And Let Go

After your writing exercise on the third day, your energetic vibration is at its highest. Put this affirmation aside and trust that the Universe is supporting you with the best outcome.

In a society that worships immediate gratification, this step will be difficult. Sometimes, we will get what we want immediately; other times, it could take days, months or years.

I am not saying this to be disheartening but putting it into perspective. The key is in the feeling, which in turn brings knowing. We take that visualization with us, living our life as if the affirmation has happened.

The key is seeing in our minds what we desire as if it is happening while simultaneously letting go of the attachment to having those desires.

Being attached to an outcome negates the desire. Desire conjures up good feelings, while attachment is a feeling of struggle.

dream, power, journal

Do You Know What 333 Means?

If you read the book Angel Numbers by Kyle Gray, 333 means that you are powerfully aligned with the Universe at this time, according to him. If you tried different manifestations before and they did not work, the 33×3 Method For Manifestation might be what you need to succeed this time.

Trust that you are here on purpose and at a critical point on your journey where you can surpass all previous setbacks.

5 Tips on How to Make the Most Out Of The 33×3 Method For Manifestation


It can be done anytime during the day but must be completed in one sitting since repetition is the key. While you might be tempted to type the affirmation, writing will allow you to be more focused and present, making it more potent than typing. Writing has also been proven a more effective way to get into your subconscious brain.


Believe in the Universe’s ability to deliver what you desire. You can’t force your desire into existence, but you can help the Universe bring it about. Focus on achieving your goal from a place of joy without worrying about the outcome. Trust it will happen.

Let go of the idea that the Universe should work according to your plans. Everything will unfold according to plan. You will realize that your desire manifested at the perfect time.


Gratitude, appreciation, and emotion are fundamental when manifesting something or someone. Love is the highest frequency you can radiate. According to The Secret, the more love you feel and emit, the greater the manifesting power you will harness.

feathers, manifest words


Ensure you write your affirmations daily and stay present during every one of the 33 affirmations feeling positive energy as you do. It won’t be easy, but it’s worth it! 


Take actionable steps to achieve your dream faster by creating opportunities to show the Universe you are ready to manifest your dreams. 

Join a weight loss program and exercise classes to lose weight. Consider using dating apps or asking your friends for introductions if you seek love. If you want more money, think of ways for it to find you. 

It’s much more meaningful to help things happen by opening portals for success. Work with the Universe to make your dreams a reality. But remember not to be attached to the outcome, as this will keep you from it.

excited woman

A Recap Of How To Use The 33×3 Method For Manifestation

The 33×3 Method is a powerful tool that can help you to manifest your desires. Some say it’s the fastest manifestation technique available.

  • Choose something to manifest
  • With love as your foundation, write your intention
  • Do the work by writing it 33 times at a time over 3 days in a row
  • Feel gratitude for everything you have and will have
  • Take action and let go of the attachment (struggle, control of the outcome)

Stay relaxed, and don’t let attachment to what you think the outcome should be (struggle) negate your work. Stay open to all possibilities so the Universe or God can bring you what you desire.

background, sun, live your life

It's Time To Manifest The Life You've Always Wanted

That’s all there is to it! You can manifest whatever you want in life by following these five steps. Taking action and believing that it will happen is the key.

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Cheers to your next adventure!

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