
Kirsti Out Wandering

Living Life On Your Terms

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Dream Big. No one has ever achieved greatness without dreams.

Live Life On Your Terms

Life on your terms is the strength to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. It means enjoying quality time with your family while also having a purpose-filled career that provides financial freedom.

It also means having the time, space and flexibility to pursue the things that matter most to you, whether travel, volunteering, fitness, or any other hobbies or interests.

Life Is Ours To Create

Life is what we make it, not what we wish it. We get what we want when we do what we want. If we want something, we have to go after it. Break the mold of mediocracy and run towards it. Explore and live on your terms, then be open to something bigger, something different.

We are here to explore and expand and live life as a great big adventure! When we are doing what we love, we are happier. Not saying there isn’t going to be some difficult moments and days along the way, but even then, if we find ourselves struggling, we will work through it a lot easier because we are doing what we are passionate about.

If we don’t go after what we want, we’ll never have it. If we don’t ask, the answer will always be no. If we don’t step forward, we’ll inevitably stay in the same place. Now is the time to take action; live the life you’ve been dreaming of.

Comfort Zone

And, I believe life happens just outside of our comfort zone. Experiencing our desires is balancing curiosity with determination to complete the first step, then take the next and the next.

The most memorable part of life will always be the journey. Everything is possible if we will take that first step and say YES, I am doing this!

Cheers to 2021!

Seven Simple Tips To Help You Start Living Life on Your Terms

Dream Big

It starts with knowing how you want to live your life. What have you been dreaming of doing? Take some time to consider your best life if money and time were not an issue.

Assess Where You Are Right Now

Take time and assess your current situation. Currently, is what you’re doing moving you closer to those dreams?

What's Happened

Have past efforts helped you get closer to your ideal life?

Everything Is Possible

Are there things you change in your current situation to help you get closer to living life on your terms? Brainstorm a list of possibilities; no editing – just write down everything that drops in.

Gain Perspective

Talk to others who you see as living the life of their dreams. It is essential to get the viewpoint of someone who is now where you want to be.

Take Action

If you don’t take action, it’s not going to happen! Create an action list you feel is vital for your success; put them in order and get ready!

Say YES!

Start at the top, jump and say YES! to your first action step.

It might seem scary, but you’ll never achieve your BIG dreams unless you go for it! It’s always easier to stay motivated and find success if you have some cheerleaders to share your accomplishments with. So, find like-minded folks who will have your back. Better still, collaborate with a group of people who also have goals to be held accountable to.


As another year comes to a close, sit for a few moments in quiet contemplation, answering the following questions.

What were a few of the most memorable highlights this year?

What experiences am I most grateful for?

What did I learn about myself in the past twelve months?  

Where there any patterns?

What were a few of the most significant lowlights of 202, and how was I change because of them?

Looking ahead, what am I most looking forward to in 2021?  

What action steps will I take to live my best year ever?

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Whether you’re drinking your morning coffee, evening tea, or something in between the DREAM BIG mug is a perfect reminder to live the life of your dreams – every day!  

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I am an influencer of optimism, positivity & love. My mantra, “Be where my feet are,” nothing more, nothing less. To me, it means living in the moment with curiosity, creativity, courage & compassion.

You’ll find resources and stories primarily about subjects like travel, van living, exploring, yoga, and photography on these pages. By acting on my dreams and sharing my experiences, I hope you’ll be inspired to say YES, and live your happiest, best life.

Follow along! Kirsti Out Wandering aspires to illustrate well-being in mind, body & spirit, giving unconditional love to self and others, and pursuing all of the wild possibilities life serves up while living full-time from a sprinter van. 

She offers weekly inspiration and a monthly roundup filled with stories and tips on travel, exploring, van living, self-care, photography and being human.

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