
Kirsti Out Wandering

My Radical Sabbatical: The Best Sunrise

Waking at 4:30 am to check the weather app, I found the torrential downpours and thunderstorms experienced overnight had gratefully moved offshore! Quickly getting ready and stowing loose items in the van, I hit the road in search of the perfect place to photograph sunrise. 

I found myself driving along the northeastern coast of Florida near St. Augustine on HWY A1A south. I could see snippets of the beach and ocean between buildings, hotels and homes, but public access to photograph was harder to come by, however.

No need for filters with a golden sunrise

Finding The Perfect Place

After driving for an hour and running short on time, I got a knot in my stomach as I  watched the sky turn brighter and brighter from the side window of the van. And then it happened!  Just as I was giving up hope for a place to pull off, I noticed a sign for the St. Johns County Ocean Pier & Gift Shop.  Grateful for the light traffic, I quickly turned toward what would be the prettiest sunrise so far on this trek.  

Pulling into the filling parking lot, I noticed many locals and tourists walking onto the beach area – even more proof this was the perfect spot.  Parking quickly, I grabbed my gear.  There was only 20 minutes until the sun would rise, and still so much to do.  

As I walked through the turnstile and the gift store at 5:59 am, I needed to decide how to compose the shot.  Asking myself questions like,  “Would the daybreak best be shot from on top of the pier at the end”?  “Should I shoot from below in the sand”?   “Should the boardwalk be in the picture or just the waves in the foreground”?  Ultimately choosing all three, I got to work.


One Hundred Steps To The End Of The Pier

Resting seagulls and sandpipers scattered as I quickly walked the 100 feet to the pier’s end, only to turn around after taking a few test photos. Although beautiful, my photographer’s eye told me this wouldn’t be the best place for the picture I wanted to create.  

Off I went, back toward the beach, uprooting the sleeping birds once again, stopping once to chat with a fisherman who wondered what I was doing.  During this quick conversation, I learned he had just caught and released a small shark.  Spectacular events are happening all around us if we stop and get curious!

Back on the beach with less than ten minutes to work with, I needed to decide where I should set up my camera and figure out from what position the sun would rise and exclaim, ‘Good morning!’ I ignored the sign that told me NOT to walk under the pier and in fact, stay at least 20 feet away, setting up just off to the right as I guessed where I would see the sun first peak above the Atlantic Ocean. 

Small fluffy clouds were dotting the horizon, remnants of the previous night storms. As color catchers, they would add a beautiful dimension to the sky.

The Best Sunrise Makes For The Best Photo

And so it was along the St. Augustine Beach, I would have the best sunrise photo experience in the 2500 miles driven so far during this trip. Walking to the left of the pier, voila, I found the most desirable use of the wooden jetty as a prop, brilliant golden morning colors shining on the clouds, and the perfect position for the rising sun.

If you are a person who lights up (literally) when there is a beautiful sunrise, I highly recommend a trip to the northeastern part of Florida, and a side trip to the St. Johns County Ocean Pier & Gift Shop, 350 A1A Beach Blvd, St. Augustine Beach, Florida. For more information, visit http://www.co.st-johns.fl.us/ or call (904) 209-0655.

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