Breathe peace and calm into each day by setting an intention that all is well as the sun rises, bringing forth its beautiful golden rays of dawn.
Kirsti, Out Wandering
A Unique Photography Experience
One evening, while wandering north of Milwaukee along the ridge above Lake Michigan near Shorewood, I happened upon the Alphabet Man sitting high above Lake Michigan along the bluffs of Atwater Park, gazing off toward the East.
Right away, my mind started thinking of ways I could create an image of him. I knew dawn would be the best time; I would have to find the time – soon!
Admittedly, I will do almost anything to witness and photograph the sunrise. A fortunate stroke of serendipity – the weather the next morning would be clear and bright. And because I was living close by at the time, getting there well before the sunrise, would be easy.
All night, my excitement grew. To have found a subject as unique as the alphabet man? Whoot!!
I would have about 15 minutes to get the shots I wanted, and shooting from different angles would be necessary. I made several photos that morning, but these two of my favorites.
Capturing The Essence
First, I wanted to capture the emotion of this scene. For me, the statue symbolizes unanswered questions and unspoken curiosity as he looks to the sun for clues.

Then, through my lens, as I moved behind him, the light was bouncing off the water in two spots, brilliantly shining as if lighting up the Root, Solar Plexus and Throat Chakras (energy centers) in his body – fantastic!
It struck me then; he must wait for the sun to activate these areas so that the letters come together and bring him the answers he seeks.

I still have that happy heart feeling when I look at the photos. As an artist, to discover something unusual to photograph (even if just to me), it leaves an impression on my soul. Even now, years later, I still remember every detail of that morning as if it happened this morning.
Purchase Prints
These images and others are for sale and look radiant on metal. Visit here if you’d like to create a purchase.
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I am an influencer of optimism, positivity & love. By acting on my dreams, I hope to inspire others to do the same. Being where my feet are means that we live in the moment with curiosity, creativity, courage & compassion. Live your happiest, best life. You’ll find resources and stories mostly on subjects like travel, van living, exploring, yoga, and photography on this site. It’s my hope you will be inspired to do something you’ve always wanted to do too. Say YES, take that first step. |
Follow along! Kirsti’s vision is to enjoy life with passion and curiosity. Kirsti Out Wandering aspires to exemplify well-being in mind, body & spirit, giving unconditional love to self and others, and pursuing all of the wild possibilities life serves up while living full-time from a sprinter van. She offers a monthly roundup that includes stories and tips on travel & exploring, van living, self-care, photography and service.