
Kirsti Out Wandering

katie Hensley_headshot

The Benefits of Professional Headshots for Your Business

The Benefits of Professional Headshots for Your Business

Can you recall when you met someone who instantly made a positive or negative impression on you? Maybe you knew why, maybe not, but people formulate initial opinions in as little as 1/8th of a second. These reactions can have huge repercussions regarding who companies hire, where clients look for vendors, and how investors read into executives. 

Nowadays, most first introductions occur online. Hiring managers utilize LinkedIn for applicants. Clients search company websites to gain insight. Investors examine the About Us page. Ultimately, a quality headshot is critical for making solid first impressions with these groups, thus having a significant impact on one’s career or business.

What Are Professional Headshots?

Professional headshots are professional portrait photographs often found on company websites, business cards, press releases, and LinkedIn accounts. When it comes to jobs, the most typical place for one’s corporate headshot is on their LinkedIn profile page. However, CEOs and other company executives may also utilize these photos in numerous materials.

These professional images serve to exhibit the subject’s polish, sociability and abilities. Moreover, impressive business headshots are an ideal start to forming a fabulous personal brand that helps you get employed more quickly, enhances your sales figures or lures investors to your firm.

VanGirl Headshot banner

Do Professional Headshots Matter?

There are several reasons why professional headshots for your website and other marketing materials are a great idea.

To name a few:

Professional images create familiarity and trust with potential clients, making them more likely to choose your services.

First impressions matter, and having a strong visual relationship with the staff they may meet will give potential customers all the more incentive to join your company.

High-quality headshots also demonstrate your business’s professionalism and excellence. The best way to make those client connections that a business needs to thrive is the best way to make those client connections that a business needs to thrive.

As a professional photographer, I couldn’t agree more and why I always try to capture the essence of my clients in their headshots. A good headshot should showcase not only their physical features but their personality as well.

One of my recent clients was a young entrepreneur who was starting her own business. She wanted her headshots to reflect her creativity and innovation. We decided to shoot in the open space of a local park, surrounded by nature, to highlight her love for the outdoors and personal style.

As we started shooting, I saw her confidence grow with each camera click. She was radiating with energy, her eyes shining with excitement.

After the shoot, we reviewed the images and selected the best ones for her website and marketing materials. I could see the pride on her face as she looked at the final product. She knew that her headshots would help her business stand out from the rest. 

(This is why I love what I do. I get to help people).

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How Can I Prepare for Professional Headshots?

In the age of Facebook and LinkedIn, it is becoming more apparent just how much value our digital identities hold. Professional headshots are essential – they portray your personality, attitude, and goals that can help you or your business succeed. With this in mind, here are some tips to help you prepare your overall look for your portrait session.

Consider A Hairstylist And Makeup Artist

It’s common to be unhappy with how your hair looks in pictures. Photographers can do their best to fix it with a brush, but there are no substitutes for the results you’ll get from going to a professional stylist.

Your style (hair and makeup) should reflect what kind of image you’re striving for, not just something suitable for a night out. Think about how professionals present themselves or do some research on Google.

Choose a Professional Outfit

A professional suit or classic-looking clothing is ideal. It creates an impression of competence and professionalism. 

A suit should fit well and be comfortable with buttons on. Industries may have different dress codes, but the classic look always works best. Talk to your photographer about backgrounds, too, so your outfit won’t get lost against it.

Celebrate After Your Business Portraits

It’s a good idea not to have drinks prior to or go out the night before your headshot session. Even minimal alcohol consumption can affect how relaxed you are during the shoot. Alcohol may make you appear tired and puffy, and all your efforts with your hair and makeup could be wasted. 

To look your best the next day, get plenty of rest and celebrate after your corporate headshot session.

Make Time For A Good Experience

Giving yourself some leeway when scheduling your session is a good idea too. Being punctual is important for any photo shoot, but that doesn’t mean you have to rush through it. Allowing yourself extra time to get ready and relax will result in better pictures. 

Enjoy the entire process and take your time before your session; be present and focused so your authentic self is captured in your photo.

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katie hensley lifestyle photo

It is also essential to track your progress and make adjustments as needed. Set aside time each day to work on your goals and cross off tasks as you complete them. This will help you stay motivated and on track. Celebrate your successes along the way, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t reach your goals immediately.

Professional Headshots: How Do I Pose?

The most important aspect to remember when posing for a business headshot is to remain natural and comfortable. There is no need to be overly stiff or to try too hard with your poses. The goal is to look professional but also relaxed.

When you look calm and confident, it reflects well on your business. So practice staying still and looking at the camera during the session to achieve this look. Although we will work through some arms-crossed headshots and candids, the focus should remain on more straightforward and classic poses for most of the session. We don’t want your photos to look posed or forced—we want them to appear as though you naturally belong in front of the camera.

Finally, think happy thoughts! To help ensure the photos look professional yet genuine, keep your expressions neutral and smile with your eyes if you want a more open feel. Remain relaxed and breathe.

How Should I Dress for Professional Headshots?

The clothing to be worn for a professional photo depends on personal style, the job field and where the images will be used.

For more conservative areas of work such as law and finance, a suit or appropriate formal wear is suggested, while for other industries looking at what successful peers and executives in that field are wearing provides better guidance than those in one’s immediate network.

Remember that dressing for the desired position rather than the current role is critical. If there is still any confusion, feel free to get some advice! I would be more than happy to help.


How Can I Get My Photo Taken If I Hate Getting My Photo Taken?

First, let me say you are most certainly not alone.

I’ve heard the words awkward, self-conscious and even ashamed used to describe having a photo taken in a corporate headshot photography session. These words paint a picture of vulnerability and discomfort. But what if I told you there was a better way to feel about being photographed during a photo shoot?

It all starts with changing your mindset. Rather than viewing being photographed as a chore or something to be endured, try seeing it as an opportunity to celebrate yourself. You are unique and special, and having your picture taken is a chance to capture that uniqueness and celebrate it.

Of course, this is easier said than done. So, here are some top tips for feeling more confident and in control when you’re in front of the camera:

1. Dress in clothes that make you feel good. It shows in your photos when you feel good about what you’re wearing.

2. Communicate with the photographer. Let them know your preferences and what makes you feel comfortable. A good photographer will listen and work with you to ensure you get your desired shots. You could even ask to see some test shots. 

3. Remember to breathe and relax. Tension can appear in a photo through our facial expression and body language, so take a deep breath and let go of any stress or anxiety.

5. Finally, remember that a photo is just a moment in time. It’s not a reflection of who you are as a person, so don’t let it define you.

By changing how you think about being photographed and implementing these tips, you can feel more assured and relaxed in front of the camera. So go ahead, strike a pose and celebrate yourself!

What Are The Benefits Of Business Headshots?

Having the right headshots can mean the difference between success and failure in recruiting efforts, brand perception, and general awareness.

Companies that utilize headshots help bring a human element to what would usually be faceless and impersonal organizations. And it’s not just LinkedIn where these images come in handy; conferences, speaking engagements, and other public appearances all call for great profile photos.

Lindsey Mills, Headshot

Your Website Can Benefit From Professional Headshots

When potential clients see your face beside the company’s name, your corporate headshots can present your company values on your website. 

It’s crucial to showcase your professionalism and convey your personality through your corporate headshot. This is your chance to present yourself as approachable, confident, and trustworthy. 

However, it’s crucial to remember that your headshot should also align with your company’s values and branding. If your business is focused on sustainability and eco-friendliness, consider taking your headshot outdoors, surrounded by nature. If your company is geared towards fitness and health, showcase your athleticism in your headshot. 

The best headshots showcase your individuality while supporting your brand. Adding headshot photos on your website is the perfect solution for making a great first impression with potential clients and colleagues.

More Reasons For Photos: Company Profiles, Employee Headshots, Staff Headshots & Picture Ideas, Office Lifestyle Photos, Blog Posts, Press Releases, Social Media Profiles

A business website’s “About Us” section includes a company profile picture, company headshots, employee headshots, and staff headshots.

But it could also include office lifestyle pictures with team members interacting with each other. Your marketing team can also use these professional portraits in blog posts, press releases, and social media campaigns.

VanGirl Headshot examples
VanGirl Headshot examples

In The End

From real estate agents to senior executives, making a great first impression is essential, and there’s no better way to do that than with professional headshots. These images will instill confidence in your potential clients before you even make contact for an initial consultation.

When done correctly, professional photos of your business can create a sense of commitment to quality, portray you as an expert in your field, give you an edge over other local competitors, and communicate your core values. The images will show visitors what quality they can expect from you regularly.

Please explore my headshot offerings and make an appointment with me. It’s my pleasure to serve as your professional photographer!

Cheers to your next adventure!

Hi, I’m Kirsti.

My blog, Kirsti Out Wandering, is a guide for unique experiences. I explore less popular areas to uncover a destination’s culture and hidden potential.​

From the perspective of a curious wanderer, I seek the potential rather than the obvious.

I hope you will wander along with me!

Subscribe to The Wandering Path and discover a brighter side—happy articles, posts, pics and ponderings from this wandering soul.


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