Revised 1/1/2021
True self-discovery begins where your comfort zone ends.
Adam Braun
Being Fearless
During my Inspiring People talk at Inspire Cafe in December of 2019, I shared some of my Radical Sabbatical experiences.
That night’s overarching message was encouragement and motivation – shared to the audience and from the audience! When I speak, I invite the viewers to do something every day that not only scares them but sets their soul on fire – to get outside of their comfort zone and live life fully.
My personal ‘soul-on-fire’ barometer is the feeling I get when I am becoming the tiniest bit uncomfortable. It’s then I know I’ve stepped out of the safety of routine. It’s a slight quiver felt around my heart and in my hands (and maybe a bit sweaty too). The bigger the feeling – the more I know I am on the right path.
After reading the book, You Are The One by Kute Blackson; I wrote two end of life stories: one as if it were being read today and the other as if it were 30 years from now. I wanted to live the second life story for sure!
My Future Eulogy
Kirstin was a devoted mother, daughter, and friend. She always tried to be the first to laugh at herself and the last to judge others. She was authentic and a champion of living life to its fullest. Her most extended passions were her love of photography, a daily yoga practice that started in middle life and wandering the world. She was always looking for new experiences, and she loved to share her adventures with the hope it would encourage others to say YES! and stretch outside their comfort zone.
Kirsti’s genuine curiosity to learn more about everything around her led her around the globe to accumulate thousands of memorable experiences and make friends of all beliefs, ethnicities, and cultures.
She always said the best teacher in her life was through these first-hand experiences and the people she met. She created an alternative lifestyle; she was excited to wake up every morning, always looking forward to what lay ahead.
Kirsti adored each moment and filled her life with travel, adventure, giving back and lots of love and laughter. She created a ripple that touched people’s hearts from all walks of life, though she would say that they had inspired her heart.
Deep-felt Clarity
I quickly saw I was letting fear get in my way. BIG TIME! I had all of these hopes and dreams but not doing much about them. I was allowing time to slip by.
Now, I get it. Writing an end of life story may sound way too scary, and I broke out in a cold sweat at the thought of writing it. Heck, you may even stop reading this right now because you are bumping up against fear. But, if you choose to do this exercise, you will take a giant step forward in action to becoming who you are on the other side of fear.
It’s the action of decerning who you want to be at the end of your life that’s important. Asking yourself questions like: “How will I be remembered? How did I impact or change the world? What did I stand for when things got tough? What were the things that made me passionate and enthusiastic? What decisions did I make that directed my life and made me proud? What will be my legacy?”
Life tends to run away from us, and before you know it, 30 years will have gone by, then we’ll look back, wondering how we got there.
Take time before you write to sit with those questions, then write your first draft. Come back over a few days or weeks, adding and subtracting, dreaming and feeling into that life until you create a masterpiece – YOUR LIFE the way you will live it from here on out. I’ll even wager a bet that this becomes the most influential document you own.

No Regret
Take action every day, even if it feels uncomfortable and a bit scary. Step forward. Say YES! Then, feel gratitude for the experience you just had.
The bottom line is to act and live RIGHT NOW IN THIS MOMENT – it’s all we have. Don’t wait until your death bed to realize the kind of life you wanted to live isn’t the one you did.
Go Happy and Live Life.
Don’t let fear make your decisions for you.
Annette White
Why should you write your future eulogy? Because by doing so, we learn a valuable lesson about how we want our lives to look like – when we are alive.
Try This: Take a few moments and ask yourself, “What life-legacy do I want to leave behind?” “What would I like to achieve during my time on earth?” “How do I want to be remembered?” Looking back, “What does your ideal life look like?”
Then, take these words and change them into goals for your Life List of things, travels, inspirations that you want to experience, leaving lasting memories.
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I am an influencer of optimism, positivity & love. My mantra, “Be where my feet are,” nothing more, nothing less. To me, it means living in the moment with curiosity, creativity, courage & compassion. You’ll find resources and stories primarily about subjects like travel, van living, exploring, yoga, and photography on these pages. By acting on my dreams and sharing my experiences, I hope you’ll be inspired to say YES, and live your happiest, best life. |
Follow along! Kirsti Out Wandering aspires to illustrate well-being in mind, body & spirit, giving unconditional love to self and others, and pursuing all of the wild possibilities life serves up while living full-time from a sprinter van.
She offers weekly inspiration and a monthly roundup filled with stories and tips on travel, exploring, van living, self-care, photography and being human.