
Kirsti Out Wandering

woman walking on a beach

5 More Ways Traveling Outside Our Comfort Zone Inspires Life

5 More Ways Traveling Outside Our Comfort Zone Inspires Life

In a previous post, we learned six ways leaving our comfort zones inspires a better life. The following are five more ways to consider.

The phrase “stepping out of your comfort zone” refers to doing things that are not within our usual comfort levels. When we go beyond our normal boundaries for the first time, our realm of travel expands. It becomes a transformative experience as we meet new people, discover different cultures, and even taste various cuisines.

We all have a place where we feel secure, relaxed, and confident in what we do. However, is that genuinely living? By being receptive and venturing outside of our comfort zone, we can discover new opportunities and live a more satisfying life.

When we try new things, we may face challenges and experience stress and anxiety. But that’s where the magic happens. It’s here where we can discover new possibilities and meaningful experiences that we didn’t even know existed. This is where we live an inspired life.

To grow and thrive, we must break out of our old routines and embrace the unfamiliar. By doing so, we can open ourselves up to new perspectives, personal growth and new ways of living. Our daily life is even brighter because of our new activities.

To grow and thrive, we must break out of our old routines and embrace the unfamiliar.

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Traveling outside of our comfort zone can be especially rewarding. It exposes us to different cultures, people, food, and languages. It broadens our horizons and teaches us valuable lessons that we may never learn while staying within our comfort zone.

Read on and find five more ways traveling outside our comfort zone inspires life – a better life!

1 - Traveling Outside Our Comfort Zone: Makes It Easier To Adapt To Change

Let’s face it. Change is the only constant in life. For example, we wake up with plans to head to the beach for a fun day in the sun, only to find it raining. Or even, we have plans to quit our 9-5 for a life on the road and find we need to settle in and take care of family a bit longer (we may need to practice step six in the first article a little more, too).

The bottom line is that things happen. Our clear path suddenly detours because of an enormous downed redwood tree. Adapting means getting uncomfortable sometimes. Leaving our comfort zones means letting go of expectations.

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The first step on this trip is understanding that a unique experience is about to unfold. And isn’t that what life is all about? The unique experience? The next step is to change how we think about the situation. It’s easier said than done, but the sooner we do, the faster we can move on and have more fun (or at least find balance).

The thing with being comfortable is that we find ourselves in a routine. We do the same things every day, see the same people, and ultimately become stagnant.

Adapting sometimes means getting uncomfortable.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of being comfortable, but ultimately, it’s not fulfilling. We need something to shake us from our habits, something different and exciting – something that challenges us. Ultimately, life should be about moving forward, not sleeping on the comfy couch.

Finding a way around the “big tree” obstructing all paths forward is part of the fun. Getting creative and having what you want by adapting to the changes in life (like that tree) is the result of traveling outside our comfort zones.

2 - Traveling Outside Our Comfort Zone: We Gain Confidence And Learn Independence

The topic of traveling solo deserves a bit of attention. Just reading those words might be giving you sweaty palms and increased heartbeats. As a woman over 50, I can tell you from experience it is genuinely exhilarating!! When travelers step outside their comfort zones and embrace the unfamiliar, like solo travel, they often feel more confident and empowered.

You will return a different person. After traveling alone, your perspective on life changes because of your experiences. You will gain new perspectives after meeting people along your way. There is something incredibly liberating, independent, and wanderlust-inducing about solo travel and the problem-solving skills you will resource. Moreover, you can plan everything you want to do, including when and how!

Traveling solo will open many doors.

When you travel solo, you must handle everything independently. You alone choose your path, from where you sleep to what you eat. And I can tell you, it’s so much fun. I love to wander on my own time. It opens so many doors of experience, and this way of travel has repeatedly taken me out of my comfort zone.

Traveling solo, I’ve photographed the Milky Way over the Badlands National Park in the wee hours of the morning. I’ve done a solo walking tour through big cities such as NYC, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, and San Diego. I’ve taken a Cocao adventure in Costa Rica and even a 30-day Radical Sabbatical across the United States on my first “Van Life” expedition.

We live in a really big world. Waiting for someone to go with you whenever you want to go on an adventure is unnecessary. Start dreaming of your solo adventure to that new restaurant or faraway country. It will be challenging, but you will have so much more confidence in your abilities upon your return.

3 - Traveling Outside Our Comfort Zone: We Learn The Power Of Saying Yes

Yes! Yes! YES! My favorite word of all time. Saying yes is powerful. Traveling outside our comfort zone shakes up the status quo. Sir Richard Branson says, “I have enjoyed life a lot more by saying yes, than by saying no.”

The three letters, Y E S, can change your life. Our wants, our dreams, and our desires are fulfilled through them. As much as you can, say yes. Soon, it will be second nature. Every day is filled with opportunities for each of us. We must keep our eyes and ears open to hear and see them.

Are you standing in your own way?

Anything you want to try is absolutely possible. Nothing prevents you from doing so. It’s you standing in your own way if you feel hesitation. Take a moment to absorb that. Our only obstacle is ourselves.

You wouldn’t be reading this blog today if I hadn’t said yes to trying something new. Putting myself out there was scary. Despite being overwhelmed and unsure, I decided to take a chance. Here we are: you are reading this blog and picking up a few tips to help you on your journey to leaving your comfort zone – All because of my sense of adventure.

morning sunrise on road

The things we regret in life are often what we don’t do, not what we do. Opportunities for new experiences are all around us. Whatever we desire, say YES, and go and do it, get it or be it.

4 - Traveling Outside Our Comfort Zone: We Discover When We're Making Excuses

Excuses make it easy for us to stay small and within our comfort zones.

Our excuses might look different, person to person, but they all stem from the same emotion: fear. If we dig deep enough into the other reasons why we love excuses so much, fear is almost always the culprit. Right now might be a great opportunity to get some perspective on fear. Be honest. When was the last time you let fear from the following list keep you from a much-needed time trying something new?

  • Failure-related fears
  • Success-related fears
  • Inadequacy fears 
  • Responsibility-fears
  • Uncertainty fears
  • Mistake fears
  • Change-related fears
  • Fill in the fear here _____

As for myself, I kept myself small for years because of all of those fears and even more! My fear of feeling fear even led me to avoid anything that might make me uncomfortable. Due to this, my comfort zone was constantly shrinking.

It wasn’t until one day that I realized that things I once loved to do had unconsciously been moved from the fun list to the fear list. I was devastated.

What does your daily self-chatter sound like?

To overcome our fears, we must first recognize that we are making excuses. Then, acknowledging that we’re making excuses for ourselves can be difficult and be met with much resistance. 

I have definitely experienced this. The belief that things could not be different kept me small, but I never questioned it. If I thought about my big dreams and goals for myself daily, my inner chatter would include:

  • I don’t have the time
  • As soon as (I lose weight, have more money, pay off that bill, have my dream car, get a better job) I’ll do it.
  • There is no way I can do it, and if I did do it, people would hate me 
  • It’s not going to be enough to make me a living
  • I’m not the right person for it
airplane propeller

I finally decided enough was enough. I made a plan to FLY (I was terrified to fly) and attend a yoga conference in Sedona, AZ. That trip was a pivotal time for me. It allowed me to officially break through my fear and expand my comfort zone so much that I haven’t had to look back!

I want the same for you. Believe in yourself, and don’t let the multitude of different reasons (excuses) hold you back.

5 - Traveling Outside Our Comfort Zone: An Experience Is Better Than A Possession

Experiences are much more powerful and satisfying than owning a lot of stuff. This is true because possessions offer potential pleasure, but an experience offers active positive impacts and enjoyment.

For example, climbing a mountain, hiking a trail, swimming in a lake, and taking pictures of the scenery around us are all experiences that require us to actively engage.

Experiences are more likely to surprise.

In contrast to possessions, experiences are filled with surprises. Consider buying something new to hang on the wall; chances are, we will only notice it for a few weeks after buying it. This is because we adapt to it, and it quickly becomes part of what surrounds us.

Experiences, however, are more likely to surprise. It’s impossible to predict who we’ll see or what type of wildlife we’ll encounter at a park nearby when we plan a picnic. In this way, there is a greater chance for surprises – and when we are surprised, we tend to remember meaningful experiences much more.

We develop a minimalist travel mindset as we travel more. As a result, we will better understand what’s important and be able to weed out things that aren’t.

There’s no better way to begin collecting memories than to start traveling. It can help you ditch the baggage holding you back from living a fulfilling life.

Try This:

Explore The World As Your More Adventurous, Self-Assured Alter Ego. To pretend to be someone else while traveling may seem strange, but it can be liberating and fun. If you lack natural daring, “faking it ’til you make it” is an excellent strategy. 

For example, pretend you are Diana Prince and spin into your alter ego Wonder Woman when you venture out into the world as a solo traveler. Using this alter ego technique as a solo traveler to a new country or a new neighborhood in your current city will give you time to practice. 

Remember when you were a kid digging to China to hike the Great Wall in the backyard (or was that just me)? Pretending to live your life as the brave solo traveler you hope to become, you will inch closer to that individual and evolve beyond your comfort zone.

Ready yourself by asking yourself questions such as, “How would the outgoing version of me approach traveling in this new destination? Would the adventurer side of me rather live in the real world and snorkel with turtles or stay in a hotel and watch a show on Netflix about sea creatures? Does my brave self believe in my abilities and will say yes to teaching English overseas for a year, or does daily routine really best suit me?” (insert sweaty palms here)  

Of course, no matter how you answer, you are living – but one of those answers will also expand personal growth.

Embrace Life! Don't Be Afraid To Take Your First Step

Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone and try new things? Are you ready to take your first step and embrace life?

It can be as easy. Test out new local food, experiment with different cooking methods, or pretend you are in another country and try street food to explore different cultures around the world from a nearby city.

Don't hesitate to embrace lifes' opportunities.

It can be more adventurous. Immerse yourself in the local culture of another country for a month. Sample the cuisine and explore abroad. Don’t be intimidated by the language barrier; smile and give something unfamiliar a try.

Don’t hesitate to embrace all the opportunities life presents. There is an endless stream of unfamiliar things just waiting for us in this great, big world. Create your bucket list, face new challenges, have confidence in your abilities, and start living an inspired life!

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We are at the end of this look into traveling outside our comfort zone to live an inspired life.

I hope that you found the inspiration you were looking for and would love to know more about your adventure. Please leave a comment below.

If you found this helpful, share this post with your friends!

Until we meet again, wander on.

Kirsti Pope, icon, map

Cheers to your next adventure!

Inspirational Travel Quote

Mary Anne Radmacher Quote "I am not the same having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world."

Mary Anne Radmacher
“I am not the same having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.”

Hey there, I’m Kirsti. As an influencer, I strive to spread optimism, positivity, and love. My personal mantra is “Be where my feet are” – a reminder to live in the present moment with curiosity, creativity, courage, and compassion.

On these pages, you will find resources and stories primarily focused on travel, van living, exploration, yoga, and photography. 

By pursuing my dreams and sharing my experiences, I hope to inspire you to say YES to living your happiest and best life.

I hope you will wander along!

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