
Kirsti Out Wandering

Five Simple Ways To Add More Fun To Life

“What am I excited about today?” and “How will I incorporate more joy into my day today” are two questions to ask each morning before we get out of bed. If you find yourself drawing a blank, that’s the first sign it’s time to incorporate more play into life.

The responsibilities of being an adult can give us such a sense of weight that we forget that this life is a game that should be played with much happiness and pleasure!

Five Simple Ways To Add More Fun To Life

I am reminded of the words from Elbert Hubbard, “Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out alive anyway”. I want to live my life in a way that, in the end, I know that I wouldn’t have done anything differently. The people I have met, each adventure, successes and mistakes, losses and every gain; in the end, I want to know that I tried to experience as much of life as is possible.

Of course, there is a balance to that too, and we don’t want to be irresponsible either. That philosophy just means we are aware and awake, open to adding more ways to be more playful and incorporating more joy into our daily lives.

Here are five simple ways to add more fun to your life.

Growing up doesn't mean we should stop having fun.

Be A Spirited Conversationalist

We have many interactions each day with people and usually go through the motions of interacting on autopilot. It could be the conversation with the person checking us out at a store, the customer service person we are talking with over the phone, co-workers or even friends.

Asking vanilla questions like, “How are you?” How is your day going?” and “What do you think about this weather?” are so high level they really don’t even scratch the surface of being a spirited conversationalist.

Instead of dully going through the motions, have some fun and be playful! Engage with genuine curiosity about the other person. Smile big and ask questions. “What are you excited about today?” “I really like your beautiful earrings, where did you get them?” and “Tell me something good” are all great ways to start.

I get it, this way of speaking might be way outside your comfort zone and even sound silly, but it will absolutely bring more joy into your life and the lives of the people you encounter.

I promise that when we commit to asking more of this type of question, it gets more comfortable, and happiness (for you and the person you are speaking with) will follow.

Make Exercise, Playtime

Even though exercise can be one of the most dreaded parts of our day, it can also be one of the most enjoyable. Make some changes to your workout routine by turning the mundane activities into actions that you enjoy more.

Why not move outside to the patio or, better yet, to a park or forest for your workout? It’s a fun way to shake up your routine. Try something outside your comfort, perhaps by learning to salsa dance (a great form of exercise, by the way) or starting a yoga practice, group sports, lifting weights at the gym, or hiking. Whatever you choose, just make sure it feels fun!

Gamify Large or Stressful Tasks

What are the most challenging tasks of the day ahead? Instead of dreading these tasks, could you find a way to make a game out of them? There’s no gimmick in gamification – it works because it triggers powerful happiness emotions.

Take a moment before you start by asking yourself questions like, “If I could make this task fun, what would I do?” “Is there some tweak I could make to enjoy in this task?”

For example, maybe you sit at a desk all day or are a road warrior and spend a lot of time in your vehicle. We are conditioned to stay put, never moving or challenging the task with a do-or-die mentality. Change that right away because your physical and mental health is at stake. Don’t replace moving your feet with moving your hand from a bag of chips to your mouth.

Instead, change your behavior with each small win. As each task is completed, reward yourself by taking a quick walk in the halls, around the block, or up some steps. This little physical reward not only gives you a sense of accomplishment, but it also moves your body and is so good for you. Start small if you have to but keep moving forward.

As part of this process, you get a burst of serotonin, the happiness hormone, which contributes to feelings of acceptance and well-being. Serotonin chemicals are also released when you enjoy the sunshine or feel a sense of importance. In addition to stabilizing moods, serotonin helps regulate sleep cycles and appetite. It helps fight depression, anxiety, and loneliness.

Winner winner, chickpea dinner!!

Enjoy (at least) 30 Minutes Of Play Every Day

This one might have us a bit apprehensive. Thirty minutes of play?? But my life is busy – there’s no time to play!

Say YES! Find time to play so that we can show up bigger and more fully during the rest of our day. We need to play, and, as adults, if we aren’t shifting our way of thinking to incorporate more fun into our years, then our years will definitely be less fun!

>>>Read my article about living life to its fullest here – Just Say Yes!

Have Mini-Adventures

Switch up the same old routine by scheduling at least one mini-adventure a week.

Maybe it’s a hike on a new path, stopping in at a new store, preparing an unusual recipe or creating something crafty. It could be taking a virtual yoga class or walking through a newfound neighborhood. Just do something that is a little bit outside of your comfort zone.

I promise, whatever you do, you won’t regret it.

>>>One of my favorite virtual yoga teachers is Angela Stewart. Check out her YouTube Channel here.

Please let me know what you think. Will you add some playtime to your day? I’d love to hear your experiences if you have already played and their importance to you.

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Kirsti Out Wandering aspires to illustrate well-being in mind, body & spirit, giving unconditional love to self and others, and pursuing all of the wild possibilities life serves up while living full-time from a sprinter van. 

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