A new Moon teaches gradualness & deliberation and how one gives birth to oneself slowly. Patience with small details makes perfect a work, like the universe.
The First Phase
Once upon a time, there was, well, the beginning. And every start has steps that run through to the end. At this moment, we can only guess what the outcome will be. This story is about the time we need to dream and plan.
The new Moon is the first phase and the principle of new beginnings, restarting and refreshing.
Since the beginning of time, all living things, feel a sense of connection to the Moon. Women are highly responsive, as the Moon presides over fertility and menstrual cycles.

The Moon Appears
Visibly, the Moon changes in appearance during each lunar phase, as a result of the sunlit section of the Moon viewed from Earth.
With each New Moon, what we see from Earth will gradually change over the next astral month.
In astrology, the Moon is considered female energy. She governs our emotions and natural cycles, and we respond as her pull recedes then renews with each tide.
When tuned in, we may even notice during each lunar period, streaks of withdrawal and reflection into times of intense emotion and drive. Embrace and honor your feelings. You are in tune with her energy!
The Invisible Moon
The New Moon is seemingly hidden in our night sky during this astrological starting point. She is out there, however, located directly between the Sun and Earth. Further, during this “invisible” state of being, reigns down a mighty power of clearing.

New Moon
The new Moon is a chance to have a new beginning. It offers us space to start again with a clean slate.
Additionally, it’s our celestial signal to prepare and spend extra time to gather our thoughts together to plan for the month ahead. Now is the time to begin new projects or stages in our lives.
5 Ways To Set Intentions During The New Moon
During the phase of the new Moon,
- First, make a list of what you’d like to achieve between now and the next new Moon. Get very specific and include every detail. When you can see it clearly, it will be easier to manifest.
- Then, create space for this intention by releasing things that no longer serve you. Get some wish paper. Write everything you want to let go of on it and set it free.
- Next, believe and be confident you will accomplish this goal. Add emotion. Get excited. See everything unfolding just as you are intending.
- Be sure to take inspired action towards your intention! As the month progresses. Pay attention and respond to opportunities as they present themselves during the month. If it seems vital to your goal, be sure to do it!
- And finally, surrender and trust what you want is coming. There is a fine line between being a control freak and allowing what you want to appear at the right time. Not always easy, but the path of least resistance is more play than work and sweeter as well.

Lunar Factoid
We cannot deny the mystical character the Moon has on us. Down through the ages, words and syndromes were concluded from lunar events.
The term “lunatic,” for example, is found in multiple languages referencing madness or hysteria. Additionally, the word lunatic translates to moon-sick. And, the Latin word lunaticus, referred first to epilepsy and insanity, both thought to be caused by the Moon.

Living in balance within each Moon phase brings awareness to the energetic currents that influence our daily existence.
All in all, the new Moon phase symbolizes a fresh start. Take a few moments today to celebrate fresh beginnings, to love yourself a little more, and be open to all transformations occurring around you from this Moon’s tremendous potential.

Starting with this month’s new Moon, go outside each day or evening and observe it moving through its phases. Take binoculars or use a telescope to carefully look, especially when the Moon is just a crescent, at the dark part of the Moon. It’s incredible to think this rock covered with lunar soil stays in place because the Earth’s gravitational pull is just strong enough to keep it there.
Follow along with subsequent posts as we travel along the Moon’s play together.
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I am an influencer of optimism, positivity & love. By acting on my dreams, I hope to inspire others to do the same. Being where my feet are means that we live in the moment with curiosity, creativity, courage & compassion. Live your happiest, best life. You’ll find resources and stories mostly on subjects like travel, van living, exploring, yoga, and photography on this site. It’s my hope you will be inspired to do something you’ve always wanted to do too. Say YES, take that first step. |
Follow along! Kirsti’s vision is to enjoy life with passion and curiosity. Kirsti Out Wandering aspires to exemplify well-being in mind, body & spirit, giving unconditional love to self and others, and pursuing all of the wild possibilities life serves up while living full-time from a sprinter van. She offers a monthly roundup that includes stories and tips on travel & exploring, van living, self-care, photography and service.