
Kirsti Out Wandering


“Only connect!  That was the whole of her sermon.  Only connect the prose and the passion and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its height.  Live in fragmaents no longer.  Only connect…”  ~ E. M. Forster

network, hug, embrace

As we move through the coming weeks, keeping some distance from each other when at all possible, I thought a few ideas to stay connected might be helpful.


1. Pick up your phone and dial someone – an old friend, your neighbor, someone from work, school or church. Don’t just text and ask how they are doing. Caaaall them and then really engage with them.

2. Go for a walk. While you’re out, pop a note on your neighbors’ doors with your contact information, telling them you are there to help if they need it (assuming you are well and able to help those in need).

3. Get creative (my favorite). Paint a rainbow on your window to spread a little cheer to those walking by, write a note on the sidewalk, turn your Christmas lights back on, create a happy poster to put in your car window, do anything you can to bring a little happiness to the world. AND, these are great ways to keep your kiddos busy (at any age).

heart, love, romance

4. Clean the house! This is a great time to get into all those little nooks and crannies and do a deep clean of your home. Make it fun by playing your favorite music. Dance and twirl as you clean! ***Bonus points if you video the dancing and twirling and share it here or tag me on your page 🥳🙃

5. Get online and set up face-to-face conversations through Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts or any platform that offers it. Connect with your neighbors, family members you haven’t seen in a while, friends and co-workers. Check-in on each other, tell jokes, share memories.

6. And speaking of face-to-face conversations, nursing homes, memory care communities and other group-type living places have people who may have people living with them who don’t have family and friends anymore. Take this time to help others and make new friends too! You could even volunteer your time during these “face-to-face” conversations to read, play a game or teach something as part of an activity (following their internal guidelines, of course).  You never know what interesting characters you will meet!

Opportunities To Make A Difference

These are just a small list of ideas. What else are you doing to make our circumstances brighter??

We are being presented with opportunities to help and make a difference. 

I believe life is one big miracle – even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. To be visual, our experiences play out on a flat timeline, and we don’t get to really see further than a few minutes from now. And, sometimes, miracles are hidden in an unpleasant surprise, an adventure gone wild or even a complicated relationship. 

We need to keep the connection!

Please SHARE in comments what you are doing to bring happiness to the world! 

Use the hashtag #bestconnectionideas so we can all find them.

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I am an influencer of optimism, positivity & love. By acting on my dreams, I hope to inspire others to do the same. Being where my feet are means that we live in the moment with curiosity, creativity, courage & compassion. Live your happiest, best life.

You’ll find resources and stories mostly on subjects like travel, van living, exploring, yoga, and photography on this site. It’s my hope you will be inspired to do something you’ve always wanted to do too.  

Say YES, take that first step.  

Follow along! Kirsti’s vision is to enjoy life with passion and curiosity. Kirsti Out Wandering aspires to exemplify well-being in mind, body & spirit, giving unconditional love to self and others, and pursuing all of the wild possibilities life serves up while living full-time from a sprinter van. She offers a monthly roundup that includes stories and tips on travel & exploring, van living, self-care, photography and service. 

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