
Kirsti Out Wandering

What Can I Do To Help?

“We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” ~Cynthia Ozick

We can make every experience a better through how we react and the actions we take!  Ask the question,  “what can I do to help.” 

Out Wandering

I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes my mind spirals to very dark places. Last night, for example, way too many conversations during the day about life’s “what-ifs” and Covid-19 had me sitting up in my bed at 1 am, heart racing. I started to think about what has happened, what is happening and what could happen in the coming days.

Relief came quickly, though when I remembered the phrase, “This, too, shall pass,” which reflects on the temporary nature of all of life’s circumstances. Along with it, my understanding that I have complete control over my reaction to experiences. Whew! This remembering, along with a few deep breathing exercises, and I was in dreamland once again.

Life Doesn't Stop

We have to step away from fear, follow our hearts, and ask, “what can I do to help.” Yes, our lives look different today than they did yesterday or even a week ago. And, asked to do our part, we will have to get creative in the coming weeks. It’s so awesome to watch local businesses get creative by providing delivery and curbside service. Yoga studios are offering classes online, fitness studios too. Churches, doctors, and even schools have quickly changed the way they are providing their services through virtual modalities.

Everything Is A Miracle

I believe life is one big miracle – even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. Visually, our experiences play out on a flat timeline, and we don’t get to see further than a few minutes from now. And, sometimes, miracles are hidden in an unpleasant surprise, an adventure gone wild or even a complicated relationship.


Today is an excellent day to pause and be grateful for the people who are keeping our country safe. I am thankful for the scientists, doctors, nurses and all healthcare people working day and night to care for the sick and find a cure – no matter the disease. For the loving staff at the nursing homes who are keeping our frail safe and happy, for the truckers traveling long days to bring us food and supplies and for those still managing the stores helping to minimize any disruption in our way of life. And, I am ever grateful for the Fire, Law Enforcement and EMT departments and all others who are boots-on-the-ground supporting and working tirelessly to make sure we remain safe, answering calls for help.

What are you grateful for today? I encourage you to keep a list over the next few weeks to help bring perspective. Treasure the fact that nothing is permanent and we get to help make every experience a better one through our reactions and our actions!


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I am an influencer of optimism, positivity & love. By acting on my dreams, I hope to inspire others to do the same. Being where my feet are means that we live in the moment with curiosity, creativity, courage & compassion. Live your happiest, best life.

You’ll find resources and stories mostly on subjects like travel, van living, exploring, yoga, and photography on this site. It’s my hope you will be inspired to do something you’ve always wanted to do too.  

Say YES, take that first step.  

Follow along! Kirsti’s vision is to enjoy life with passion and curiosity. Kirsti Out Wandering aspires to exemplify well-being in mind, body & spirit, giving unconditional love to self and others, and pursuing all of the wild possibilities life serves up while living full-time from a sprinter van. She offers a monthly roundup that includes stories and tips on travel & exploring, van living, self-care, photography and service. 

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