
Kirsti Out Wandering

B-1 Yoga In Dubuque, IA

Located in the Historic Old Main street area of Dubuque, Iowa, the mantra at B1 Yoga Studio is “Be strong physically, Be happy emotionally, Be whole spiritually, Be One with You!” Friendly staff and students greet me as I walk into the front of the studio. Immediately, all of my senses are engaged and I feel a connection.

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The Studio

Looking around as I wait to sign in, I notice T-shirts, hats and other items for sale. I see advertisements for upcoming workshops and challenges and the owner Cally Burkle also sells a brand of CBD oils. Buddha sits above me on a ledge high above, smiling down as if saying, “Traveler, you are welcome here.”

My Instructor

As I am checked in by instructor, Mae Hingtgen, we talk about the Candlelight Yin class I am about to take. She explains that a Yin practice is designed to open our joints and ligaments to their healthy limits safely. That it’s meant to break down the fascia that constricts us from moving further into a pose, that this class moves slower and the room will not be heated. Yin is one of my preferred ways to practice yoga and I can tell right away that I won’t be dissapointed. Mae has a beautiful way of communicating. I feel an instant connection with her.


Walking down the hall to the studio, I open the door feeling a whoosh of calm breeze past. In the darkened room, a wall of mirrors to my left, eighteen yogis quietly ready for practice, lying on their mats, stretching in small movements in preparation for class. The studio is almost full. What beautiful energy I feel. 

I find space next to a man who is lying quietly on his mat in savasana. This gesture is seen across the room and one of my favorite ways to settle into practice too.  


During the next hour, Mae moves us through a series of hip-openers and spinal twists designed to balance energy, nourish and recharge. After coming slowly, very gently out of our last pose, Savasana, we were released into the rest of our evening. Wonderful! 


A Great Experience

I would recommend B1 Yoga for a practice. A place where they embody their mission statement: To provide a space that promotes awareness, connection and growth of mind, body and spirit.


Events, Workshops, Special Classes & Yoga Teacher Training, are available. First week of practice FREE for local residents.

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I am an influencer of optimism, positivity & love. By acting on my dreams, I hope to inspire others to do the same. Being where my feet are means that we live in the moment with curiosity, creativity, courage & compassion. Live your happiest, best life.

You’ll find resources and stories mostly on subjects like travel, van living, exploring, yoga, and photography on this site. It’s my hope you will be inspired to do something you’ve always wanted to do too.  

Say YES, take that first step.  

Follow along! Kirsti’s vision is to enjoy life with passion and curiosity. Kirsti Out Wandering aspires to exemplify well-being in mind, body & spirit, giving unconditional love to self and others, and pursuing all of the wild possibilities life serves up while living full-time from a sprinter van. She offers a monthly roundup that includes stories and tips on travel & exploring, van living, self-care, photography and service. 

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