"It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end.”
Ernest Hemingway
How Traveling Outside Our Comfort Zone Inspires Life
Simply put, “stepping out of your comfort zone” means going beyond what we are comfortable with and doing things out of character.
We feel familiar, stress-free, sure, and secure in our comfort zone. However, we only notice or grasp life’s opportunities by stepping outside our daily routine to live an inspired life.
When we step outside our comfort zone, we expose ourselves to new challenges and potential stress and anxiety. However, with endless possibilities, we will discover new things and meaningful experiences and take on paths we never knew existed – if we only dare to get uncomfortable.
Traveling Outside Our Comfort Zone Inspires Life
Traveling Outside Our Comfort Zone Inspires Life. There is no doubt this is a bold statement.
This article aims to look at our comfort zone as it pertains to our fear of trying new things. For example, the fear of trying unfamiliar food, an unknown way to work, meeting someone new or traveling to an exotic new place.
This is indeed a travel article, but the word travel is more than traversing from one place to another. The concept of travel can also be about curiosity, exploring and feeling a bit uncomfortable.
It’s about embracing a sense of adventure. Eating unfamiliar food in a new ethnic restaurant or taking a new way to work each day for a month, for example.

This post is about getting to know ourselves better and challenging that inner “comfortable self” to be accessible to feel something unexpected. It’s about living an inspired life every day.
Some will say, “There is no way that is ever going to be true. I like being comfortable.” But I’d like to challenge that statement. Let go of fear, giving yourself the freedom to try something new.
Live an inspired life from the point of personal growth, traveling outside our comfort zone.
To get us started, Ernest Hemingway once said this inspiring travel quote:
"It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end.”
The journey is what matters. The events we experience. The things that we try. Taking that first step. Meeting people and embracing an endless stream of unfamiliar things will foster personal growth.
I know. I know. For some, getting uncomfortable in this way may already have you experiencing sweaty palms. But trust me! Trying new stuff is incredible!
To be clear, I’m not talking about doing dangerous things. I don’t believe that living an inspired life means we must go skydiving, swim with sharks or base jump. I am just suggesting that we shake up our routine.
For some of us, leaving our comfort zone could be talking with someone you’ve admired from afar, trying local food at that new Thai restaurant down the block or booking a trip to a faraway place you’ve always dreamed about.
Here are six ways traveling outside our comfort zone inspires life - a better life!
The only way to truly expand our horizons and live an inspired life is to break out of well-worn routines. A person who wants to flourish in life must get out of his or her comfort zone, embrace the unknown and be open to a new way of life.
Traveling outside of our comfort zone opens up a whole new world. We are introduced to cultural differences. It offers new experiences and teaches us about new cultures, new people, new food, and new languages. It’s one of the most rewarding things we can do.
1 - Traveling Outside Our Comfort Zone: Suddenly, Challenges Become Opportunities
It can be challenging to travel. If we go abroad or across the United States, customs, language barriers, and public transportation can be challenging to navigate in a new place.
However, overcoming these challenges is rewarding, making you a better person. It is always a big win for the brave traveler when we achieve a small victory on the road. For example, ordering food when the menu is in a different language.
Our brains are built to adapt, persevere, and survive under pressure, which allows us to discover better solutions to problems. As we travel more, we become more creative and fearless, and travel becomes second nature.
We face many odds when traveling outside our comfort zone and overcoming them boosts our confidence and enables us to overcome even more than we imagined.
Try This:
I’ve learned that a smile, facial expressions, creative gestures, and an open mind go a long way when I am in a new place – even when I am afraid and frustrated. It’s a great way to break down language barriers and can be a way of helping me get the answers I need.

2 - Traveling Outside Our Comfort Zone: We Are More Connected To Ourselves And Others
By traveling outside of our comfort zone, we connect not only with the world around us but also with ourselves. The human being is a creature of habit. But as we travel outside our comfort zones to wander the streets of a new city or take in the sights and sounds of a vastly different culture, we will undoubtedly feel a sense of liberation.
No longer bound by the constraints of routine, the people we meet along the way will truly open our eyes to the beauty and complexity of our world.
Stepping out of our comfort zones connects us to ourselves and others in ways we never thought possible. It teaches us to appreciate the small things in life and find beauty in even the most mundane situations. By traveling and experiencing new things, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities and become more compassionate, understanding, and accepting individuals.
Try This:
Create A Bucket List. Taking the time to create bucket lists can be a transformative experience. A bucket list is a collection of experiences or achievements a person hopes to encounter or accomplish during their lifetime.
A bucket list allows us to set goals and work towards them intentionally, giving us purpose. More importantly, it reminds us that the world is vast and beautiful, with wonders waiting to be discovered.
If a travel bucket list is what you are creating, purchase a world map and mount it to some cork. Then, use a color push pin to identify all of the beautiful places on your list. Replace them with another color push pin as you explore each new destination.

3 - Traveling Outside Our Comfort Zone: Is An Influential Teacher
Travel is one of life’s most influential teachers. If we let it, it will pull us out of our comfort zone and plunge us into the unknown. It reveals a world of cultures to explore and interesting people to meet. Travel teaches us to live in the moment – to make a plan AND be willing to ditch the plan altogether.
Venturing beyond the established boundaries of our familiar environment can be an influential teacher. Every step away from the norms we have grown accustomed to introduces us to an array of unique individuals that we would never come across in our daily lives.
And it helps us develop virtues like patience and humility. So whether we explore a new neighborhood in our city or a country on the other side of the world, remember the planet is vast and magnificent, filled with endless possibilities waiting just beyond the confines of our comfort zones.
4 - Traveling Outside Our Comfort Zone Encourages A Growth Mindset
Experiencing life beyond our familiar limits encourages us to grow and evolve. Along our way, when we are led with a curious mindset, we will surely experience different cultures and customs and a language barrier or two. We may even find ourselves in a different country.
But, all of these things have in common that they will challenge our belief systems, pushing us out of our comfort zones to gain new perspectives on life. Traveling and trying something new takes courage. But it’s that courage that leads to a growth mindset.
Try This:
Wander Around. I remember my first trip to NYC; at the time, this was the biggest city I’d ever wandered around as a solo traveler. As soon as I stepped out of Grand Central Station and started to walk to find my hotel, I really understood I wasn’t in Iowa anymore.
Everything felt unfamiliar and foreign. The vibrant streets of New York City were teeming with people, cars, and sounds. Thrown into sensory overload. In Manhatten, especially, the classic signature sounds are vast amounts of traffic noise and emergency sirens blaring along the streets.
New York is a fantastic melting pot of so many cultures, which have often sprung up into neighborhoods all over the city. For the whole weekend, I kept going, walking through the bustling streets of Manhattan and pushing myself a little further by hopping on random subway trains and popping out into different neighborhoods.
On one such offboarding, I discovered Little Tokyo. I stumbled upon a small ramen shop where the inviting aroma of the broth drew me in, and I found myself sitting at the counter, eagerly watching the chef prepare my meal. I took my first bite and was transported to a different world. The flavors and textures were unlike anything I had ever experienced before.
Initially overwhelmed, over the weekend, I continued to explore and immerse myself in the Big Apple culture. Completely outside of my comfort zone, an appreciation for the beauty and uniqueness of how New Yorkers live bloomed.
That meal was a defining moment for me. It sparked a desire to explore different cuisines and cultures and challenge myself to step outside my comfort zone. As I travel and continue trying new things, I am reminded that the journey is of self-discovery and personal growth.

5 - Traveling Outside Our Comfort Zone Helps Us Identify Our Fears (And Encourages Us To Overcome Them)
Venturing beyond the familiar can be intimidating, but it is also a fantastic opening for self-development. By confronting and overcoming our fears, we foster an increased ability to face obstacles throughout the rest of our days.
Stepping outside our comfort zone, we become better equipped to take on unexpected circumstances by facing challenges and pushing our limits. As we explore unknown territories, we better manage unforeseen situations while traveling or living life, allowing us to face obstacles confidently and without hesitation.
Try This:
Meet New People. When I wandered for the first time in Southern California, near San Diego, I eagerly anticipated trying new things. As I usually travel, there wasn’t a formal itinerary for my maiden voyage to the West Coast.
There are many sandy beaches, surfable waves, moderate climates, and diverse populations in the California South Coast region, which extends from Ventura County to the Mexican Border.
In unfamiliar territory, renting a car would be the best way to explore this new place by driving north along the coast.
As I passed through the city limits, I could already feel the cool ocean breeze on my face. Delighted was the only way to express my feelings.
The Pacific Ocean looked inviting, and I wanted to dip my toes in the water. I pulled over at the first beach, parked my car, and walked to the shore. The sand was warm under my feet, and I breathed in the warm salty air. I spent an hour watching and making photos of people surfing the wild waves that the wind was whipping up.
I scanned the beach, curious about what activities were available. My eyes landed on a group of surfers chatting in the sand with an older man who looked to be a surfing instructor.
It made me want to join them and learn more about the sport – and get some photos. I walked over to them, nervously introducing myself. They welcomed me to sit down. We spent the next hour chatting and laughing as they told stories about the area and their surfing adventures. By the end of our conversation, I even felt like I might want to take up surfing someday.
Although I was terribly afraid to engage with the group initially, I felt an enormous sense of accomplishment afterward. The experience pushed me out of my comfort zone, allowed me to meet new people, and was a lot of fun.

6 - Traveling Outside Our Comfort Zone: We Learn To Be More Present
Being mindful and living in the present means that we are completely engaged and immersed in our current experiences. We are not distracted by thoughts of the past or future, but rather, we are aware of and focused on what is happening in the present moment.
On the other hand, when we’re not present at the moment, our minds become consumed by thoughts of the past that may be stressful and upsetting. This comfortable pattern of thinking can quickly become our default. Unless we make a conscious effort to change it, we’ll remain stuck in this foggy state.
Travel helps us break free from negative thought patterns...
Living in the present moment means breaking free from our usual thought patterns. Take a moment to reflect on yourself. Can you recall a recent instance where you found yourself dwelling on something that happened in the past? If so, have you also been having an internal dialogue about it? This is not being present.
Engaging in internal dialogue can cause physical discomfort and uneasiness in your body. You may notice that during these moments, your muscles, heart, and face feel tight, and your palms get sweaty, even though you are having a conversation that is not taking place in reality.
The good news is you may be having a breakthrough...
However, this situation may feel “safe” because you are not having the conversation with the person it needs to happen with, and that makes it comfortable.
The good news is that by reading these words, you may have just had an epiphany and become aware of the present moment. This moment is what is accurate, and even though we can plan for our future, it is not confirmed yet. So, what should you do next?
Traveling outside of your comfort zone is essential. You can either have that difficult conversation in real life or change the way you imagine the scenario in your mind. The goal is to improve the situation and feel a sense of relief and release. Regardless of the approach, it’s vital to let go of any negative emotions and focus on being present in the moment.
Try This:
Take A Walk In Nature. One thing I like to do when I am having trouble resolving an internal dialog is to take a walk outside. No matter the weather, this activity will shake up what is happening inside enough to bring you to the present moment.
On this walk or hike, pay attention to what is around you – the sights, sounds, smells and how your body feels. Go deeper by noticing details. For example, if you are walking on a path through the woods, look closer at the leaves. See the small things on the trail below (did you just see that wiggling worm as you walked by? Did you hear the bird above call out, DIBS?). Look deeper into the trees above for signs of life. Feel the breeze on your face – is it cold or warm?
The point of this exercise is to pay attention to what is right in front of us, right now, in this moment. Because you guessed it, THIS moment is all that is real. It’s the only thing that is really happening.

Embrace Life, But Don't Take It Too Seriously
As travelers, it’s essential to have a good sense of humor. Laughing at our mistakes instead of dwelling on our failures keeps us from feeling down when something goes wrong, and it keeps us motivated to continue our journey.
Life is temporary, and it seldom goes according to plan. However, we live in a fascinating and beautiful world that is meant to be experienced. Don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone and enjoy it! Rather than swimming against the current, try going with the flow of life.
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A roadblock may lead you to an exciting adventure you wouldn’t have discovered otherwise. If you make a mistake, it will be a great story to tell your family and friends.
Remember that you were built for life’s many journeys and can handle the hard things. Regardless of your age, sex, or race, you are the creator of your life.
The key is to leave your comfort zone regularly, knowing that you will gain valuable skills and grow by doing so.
The more we travel, the more we sense a change in our beliefs by the end, too! We will discover new freedom and confidence once we explore the world around us.
We’ll find ourselves experimenting and stepping outside our comfort zone more often because we know the rewards are worth it.
Cheers to your next adventure. Let me know where you are going in the comments below.
~ Kirsti
Follow along! Kirsti Out Wandering aspires to illustrate well-being in mind, body & spirit, giving unconditional love to self and others, and pursuing all of the wild possibilities life serves up while living full-time from a sprinter van.
She offers weekly inspiration and a monthly roundup filled with stories and tips on travel, exploring, van living, self-care, photography and being human.